Greges Otot ( Horsetail )

English Name : Horsetail
Indonesian Name : Greges Otot
Botanical Name : Equisetum debile
Simplisia Name : Equiseti Herba
Botanical Part Used : Whole Herbs
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 20:01
Indication : Amtiinflamation, analgesic

Equisetum debile is a herb: native to tropical South Asia, but also found in the islands of the central Pacific, Indian, and South Atlantic islands. It consists of the fresh or dried, green, sterile stems harvested in the summer. As medical herbs it used to infections of the urinary tract, kidney and bladder stone. It is also used externally as a supportive treatment for poorly healing wounds and burns.

Active Constituens :
Flavonoids, Caffeic acid ester (chlorogenic acid, dicoffeoyl-meso-tartaricacid), silisic acid, Pyridine alkaloids (nicotine, palustrine, equisetumpyrone)

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