English Name : Fennel Seed
Indonesian Name : Adas
Botanical Name : Foeniculum vulgare
Simplisia Name : Foeniculi Semen
Botanical Part Used : Seed
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Antiinflammation, cough
Fennel Seed consists of the dried, ripe fruits of Foeniculum vulgare. Parts used are leaves, stems, roots, seeds and oil. A sweet and aromatic herb that relieves digestive problems, increases milk flow, relaxes spasms and reduces inflammation. Fennel has been shown to have antioxidant and antibacterial activities. As medical herbs it used to Cough, Bronchitis and Dyspeptic complaints.
Active Constituens :
Volatile oil, Trans-anethols, Fenchone, Estragole, -alpha-pinenes, camphene, p-cymene, myrcene, limonene, alpha- and beta-phellandrene, gamma-terpenes, terpinols cis-ocimene
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