Extract List
Borobudur Extract Center is a supplier of premium Indonesian botanical and plant extracts in dry form (granules and powder).
Product type : Functional / Active ingredients in herbal products.
Our buyer : Companies that manufacture herbal supplements, natural pharmaceutical products, herbal-based personal care products, functional food and drink, neutraceutical products, and animal feed.
Product Application : Herbal capsules or tablets, liquid herbal supplement, oral herbal concoction, and alike.
We also do custom formulation and pre-mix herbal extracts.
No. | Indonesian Name | Botanical Name | Botanical Part Used | English Name | Ratio Botanical | Indication |
1 | Adas | Foeniculum vulgare | Seed | Fennel Seed | 10:01 | Antiinflammation, cough |
2 | Akar teki | Cyperus rotundus | Rhizome | Common Nut Sedge | 10:01 | High fever, diuretic |
3 | alang-alang | Imperata cylindrica | Rhizome | Cogon Grass | 10:01 | High fever, diuretic |
4 | Bengle | Zingiber purpureum | Rhizome | Purple Ginger | 10:01 | Slimming, cholesterol |
5 | Cabe Jawa | Piper retrofractum | Fruits | Javanese Long Pepper | 10:01 | Stimulant, aphrodisiac |
6 | Catuaba | Erytroxylum catuaba | Cortex | Catuaba | 10:01 | Aphrodisiac, blood circulation |
7 | Delima putih | Punica granatum | Fruits Hull | Pomegranate | 10:01 | Antiseptic, feminine hygiene |
8 | Greges Otot | Equisetum debile | Whole Herbs | Horsetail | 20:01 | Amtiinflamation, analgesic |
9 | Gymnema | Gymnema sylvestre | Leaves | Gymnema Leaves | 10:01 | Antidiabetic |
10 | Jahe | Zingiber officinale | Rhizome | Ginger | 20:01 | Expectorant, carminative |
11 | Jambu Biji | Psidium guajava | Leaves | Guava Leaves | 10:01 | Antidiarrhea, dengue fever |
12 | Jati Belanda | Guazuma ulmifolia | Leaves | West Indian Elm | 20:01 | Slimming, Cholesterol |
13 | Jinten hitam | Nigella sativa | Seed | Black Cumin Seed | 20:01 | Stimulant, booster of breast milk production |
14 | Katu | Sauropus androgynus | Leaves | Sweet Leaf Bush | 10:01 | Booster of breast milk production |
15 | Kayu manis | Cinnamomum burmanii | Cortex | Cinnamon | 10:01 | Astringent, antiinflammation |
16 | Keji Beling | Sericocalyx crispus | Leaves | Glass Splinter | 20:01 | Diuretic, anti calculi stone |
17 | Kelembak | Rheum officinale | Root | Rhubarb | 10:01 | Laxative, constipation |
18 | Kelor | Moringa oleifera | Leaves | Moringa | 10:01 | Immunostimulator |
19 | Kemuning | Murraya paniculata | Leaves | Orange Jasmine | 10:01 | Slimming, cholesterol |
20 | Kencur | Kaempferia galanga | Rhizome | East Indian Galanga | - | Cough, analgetic |
21 | Kumis Kucing | Orthosiphon stamineus | Whole Herbs | Java Tea | 10:01 | Diuretic, anti calculi stone |
22 | Kunyit | Curcuma domestica | Rhizome | Turmeric | 10:01 | Stomach disorders, cholesterol |
23 | Lempuyang | Zingiber aromaticum | Rhizome | Fragrant Ginger | 10:01 | Stomachache, rheumatism |
24 | Laos / Lengkuas | Languas galanga | Rhizome | Galangal | 10:01 | Antibacteri, itching |
25 | Mahkota Dewa | Phaleria macrocarpa | Fruits | Phaleria Fruit | 10:01 | Cancer |
26 | Mahoni | Swietenia macrophylla | Seed | Swietenia Seed | 10:01 | Antidiabetic, cholesterol |
27 | Manggis | Garcinia mangostana | Fruits Hull | Mangosteen | 10:01 | Antioxidant, immunostimulator |
28 | Meniran | Phyllanthus niruri | Whole Herbs | Lagoon Spurge | 10:01 | Immunostimulator, hypertension |
29 | Merica Hitam | Piper nigrum | Fruits | Black Pepper | 10:01 | Aphrodisiac, blood circulation |
30 | Mimba | Azadirachta indica | Leaves | Neem | 10:01 | Skin health, antiacne |
31 | Pace | Morinda citrifolia | Leaves | Noni | 10:01 | Antidiabetic, immunostimulator |
32 | Pare (Buah) | Momordica charantia | Fruits | Bitter Melon | 10:01 | Antidiabetic, natural antibiotic |
33 | Pare (Daun) | Momordica charantia | Leaves | Bitter Melon | 10:01 | Antidiabetic, natural antibiotic |
34 | Pasak Bumi | Eurycoma longifolia | Root | Tongkat Ali | 30:01 | Aphrodisiac, vitality |
35 | Patikan | Euphorbia hirta | Whole Herbs | Pill-bearing Spurge | 10:01 | Cough |
36 | Pegagan | Centella asiatica | Whole Herbs | Gotu Kola | 10:01 | Increasing memory, central blood circulation |
37 | Pepaya | Carica papaya | Leaves | Papaya Leaves | 10:01 | Fever, appetite |
38 | Salam | Syzygium polyanthum | Leaves | Bay Leaves | 10:01 | Uric acid, diuretic |
39 | Sambiloto | Andrographis paniculata | Whole Herbs | Green Chireta | 10:01 | Antidiabetic, natural antibiotic |
40 | Sangkobak | Laurentia longiflora | Leaves | Madam Fate | 10:01 | Antiinflamation, analgesic |
41 | Seledri | Apium graveolens | Whole Herbs | Celery | 10:01 | Diuretic anti hypertension |
42 | Sembung | Blumea balsamifera | Leaves | Blumea Leaves | 10:01 | Rheumatism, stomachache |
43 | Senna | Cassia angustifolia | Leaves | Senna | 10:01 | Laxative, slimming |
44 | Sirih | Piper betle | Leaves | Betle Leaves | 10:01 | Antiseptic, antibacterial |
45 | Sirsak | Annona muricata | Leaves | Soursop | 10:01 | Cancer |
46 | Sukun | Artocarpus altilis | Leaves | Breadfruit | 10:01 | Antidiabetic, anti hypertension |
47 | Tapak Liman | Elephantopus scaber | Leaves | Elephant Foot | 20:01 | Menstrual disorder, leukorrhea |
48 | Tempuyung | Sonchus arvensis | Leaves | Field Sow-Thistle | 10:01 | Diuretic, anti calculi stone |
49 | Temu Hitam | Curcuma aeruginosa | Rhizome | Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizome | 10:01 | Anthelmintic, stomachache |
50 | Temu Putih | Curcuma zedoaria | Rhizome | Zedoary | 20:01 | Cancer |
51 | Temulawak | Curcuma xanthorrhiza | Rhizome | Curcuma | 10:01 | Hepatoprotector, appetite |
52 | Ungu | Graptophyllum pictum | Leaves | Caricature Plant | 10:01 | Hemorrhoid, laxative |
53 | Valerian | Valeriana officinale | Root | Valerian | 10:01 | Sedative, analgesic |