Akar Teki ( Common Nut Sedge )

English Name : Common Nut Sedge
Indonesian Name : Akar teki
Botanical Name : Cyperus rotundus
Simplisia Name : Cyperi Rhizoma
Botanical Part Used : Rhizome
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : High fever, diuretic

Western and Islamic herbalists use Common Nut Sedge as stomachic, the digestive system, stimulating the appetite, relieving irritation, an expectorant and in emollient plasters. Modern alternative medicine recommends using the plant to treat nausea, fever and inflammation; for pain reduction; for muscle relaxation and many other disorders.

Active Constituens :
Volatile oil (cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, cinnamylacetate, cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamic acid), diterpenes (cinnzeylanol, cinnzeylanin), mucilages.

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