Alang – alang ( Cogon Grass )

English Name : Cogon Grass
Indonesian Name : alang-alang
Botanical Name : Imperata cylindrica
Simplisia Name : Imperatae Rhizoma
Botanical Part Used : Rhizome
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : High fever, diuretic

Imperata cylindrica (Linn.) Raeusch, the noxious rhizomatous grass in Gramineae family, is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropical regions like Indonesia. It is also found in some parts of the temperate regions in Asia as well as Australia and South Africa. The rhizomes of I. Imperata cylindrica have been described as diuretic, anti-inflammatory or antipyretic agent in Korean traditional herbal medicine (Park, 2004). Rhizomes and roots of the weeds is often used as traditional medicine for the diuretics, fever and others.

Active Constituens :
triterpenoids arundoin, cylindrin and fernenol

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