Delima Putih ( Pomegranate )

English Name : Pomegranate
Indonesian Name : Delima putih
Botanical Name : Punica granatum
Simplisia Name : Granati Pericarpium
Botanical Part Used : Fruits Hull
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Antiseptic, feminine hygiene

The pomegranate is an ancient, mystical, unique fruit borne on a small, long-living tree cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region. It is a bitter-sweet, astringent, warming herb that destroys intestinal parasites. It is also anti-viral and controls diarrhea. Internally for chronic diarrhea, amebic dysentery and intestinal worms.

Active Constituens :
Tannins (punicalin, punicalagin, granatine A, granatine B)

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