English Name : Sweet Leaf Bush
Indonesian Name : Katu
Botanical Name : Sauropus androgynus
Simplisia Name : Sauropi Folium
Botanical Part Used : Leaves
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Booster of breast milk production
Sauropus androgynus, which is also known as katuk in Indonesia. It is a shrub that belongs to Euphorbiaceae family. Results on an earlier research showed that oral infusion of S. androgynus leaves can increase the quantity of milk production in mice. It was also reported that the S. androgynus leaf extract can increase the mother’s breast milk production up to 50.7% without decreasing the quality of the breast milk. Sauropus androgynusis traditionally used by mothers to increase and accelerate mother’s breast milk and help the womb recover after giving birth. In medicinal herbs, it is used for antimicrobial, headache, urinary problem.
Active Constituens :
Alkaloid, glycosides, tannins, carbohidrat, aminoacides, steroid, flavonoid, provitamin A caretenoids, vitamin B and C, proteins and minerals.
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