Cabe Jawa ( Javanese Long Pepper )

English Name : Javanese Long Pepper
Indonesian Name : Cabe Jawa
Botanical Name : Piper retrofractum
Simplisia Name : Retrofrati Fructus
Botanical Part Used : Fruits
Specification : Piperin 25 %
Test Method : TLC
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Stimulant, aphrodisiac

Piper retrofractum L is a plant that acts as a stimulant on the body. It commonly known as Javanese chili has been used in folk medicine for many years, especially as an aphrodisiac. This plant is a stimulant on the nerve cell and may improve health. In medicinal herbs, it is as a body reinforcement and blood circulation acceleration.

Active Constituens :
pipperins, saponins, alkaloids

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