Tempuyung ( Field Sow-Thistle )

English Name : Field Sow-Thistle
Indonesian Name : Tempuyung
Botanical Name : Sonchus arvensis
Simplisia Name : Sonchi Folium
Botanical Part Used : Leaves
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Diuretic, anti calculi stone

Field Sow-Thistle is one of the natural medicinal herbs used in traditional medicines. Sonchus arvensis L. is a perennial weed which has become more common in Scandinavian countries owing mainly to the proliferation of organic farming which limits the use of her-biocides. It is a weed that is prevalent throughout most of the temperate regions of the world which is used to Diabetes, diuretic.

Active Constituens :
alfa-Lactopherol, beta-Lactopherol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoid, and taracsasterol

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