English Name : Celery
Indonesian Name : Seledri
Botanical Name : Apium graveolens
Simplisia Name : Apii graveolentis Herba
Botanical Part Used : Whole Herbs
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Diuretic anti hypertension
Celery is a popular component of prepared soups and salads. Additionally, minimally processed, precut celery in the form of sticks or crescents is widely available on produce shelves. In animal tests, a sedative and anticonvulsive effect was demonstrated; a diuretic effect could not be proved. The essential oil contained in the drug had a mildly inhibiting effect on bacteria and fungi
Active Constituens :
Volatile oil, flavonoid (appin, graveobioside A & B, iso quercitrin), Furocoumarins, Fatty oil
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