Mahkota Dewa ( Phaleria Fruit )

English Name : Phaleria Fruit
Indonesian Name : Mahkota Dewa
Botanical Name : Phaleria macrocarpa
Simplisia Name : Phaleriae Fructus
Botanical Part Used : Fruits
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Cancer

Phaleria macrocarpa is a member of the Thymelaeaceae, is traditionally used in Indonesia as medicinal plant against cancer. Pharmacological activities of Phaleria macrocarpa including anti-tumor, anti-hyperglycemia, anti-inflammation, anti-diarrhea, vasodilator, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal effect

Active Constituens :
saponins, alkaloids, polyphenolic, phenols, flavonoids, lignans and tannins

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