Kayu Manis ( Cinnamon )

English Name : Cinnamon
Indonesian Name : Kayu manis
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum burmanii
Simplisia Name : Burmannii Cortex
Botanical Part Used : Cortex
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Astringent, antiinflammation

The cinnaldehyde in the cinnamon bark’s essential oil is antibacterial, fungi static, and promotes motility. It has a mildly positive estrogen effect on the genital system of animals in tests, although the constituent responsible is unidentified. Cinnamon increase gastric secretions slightly and is an insecticide due to the diterpenes cinnzeylanin and cinnzeylanol

Active Constituens :
Volatile oil (cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, cinnamylacetate, cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamic acid), diterpenes (cinnzeylanol, cinnzeylanin), mucilages

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