English Name : Turmeric
Indonesian Name : Kunyit
Botanical Name : Curcuma domestica
Simplisia Name : Curcumae domesticae Rhizoma
Botanical Part Used : Rhizome
Specification : –
Test Method : –
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Stomach disorders, cholesterol
Turmeric is used extensively in foods for both its flavor and color, as well as having a long tradition of use inthe Chinese and Ayurvedic systems of medicine, Gastrointestinal systems, aches, pains, wounds, sprains, liver disorders, antiseptic anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumour, antibacterial, and antiviral activities, diabetes, allergies, arthritis
Active Constituens :
d-alfa-pelandren, d-sabinen, cineol, borneol, zingiberen, turmeron, seskuiterpen alkohol, alfa-atlanton, gamma-atlanton, selulosa, curcuminoid , caffeic acid , protochatechuic acid, ukanon A, B, C, D
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