Sambiloto ( Green Chireta )

English Name : Green Chireta
Indonesian Name : Sambiloto
Botanical Name : Andrographis paniculata
Simplisia Name : Andrographidis Herba
Botanical Part Used : Whole Herbs
Specification : Andrographolida 8%
Test Method : TLC
Ratio Botanical : 10:01
Indication : Antidiabetic, natural antibiotic

Green chireta is a traditional herbal medicine which is widely used for the treatment of many diseases in Asia. it is an erect annual herb extremely bitter in taste in all parts of the plant body. it is is also an ingredient in several poly herbal preparations used as hepato-protectants in India, one of which has been reported as efficacious in chronic hepatitis B virus infection. As medical herbs it used to Diabetes, cancer, improve immune system, depurative and natural antibiotic

Active Constituens :
Diterpenes, lactones, flavonoids (andrographolide), alkanes, ketones, and aldehydes.

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